Brears, Burgess, Uncle Tom Cobley and all

Name List

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Key: S=as a Spouse, C=as a Child, P=as a Parent




  SarahC born Abt 1851, Saxby, Lincolnshire
  Susannah BentleyC born Abt 1905, Rotherham, Yorkshire
  ThomasS,C,C,P,P born Abt 1816, Wigan, Lancashire died 1867, Rotherham, Yorkshire
  ThomasC born Abt 1845, Doncaster, Yorkshire died 1889, Rotherham, Yorkshire
  ThomasC born Abt 1885, Rotherham, Yorkshire
  ThomasC born Abt 1857, Ashton in Makerfield, Lancashire
  ThomasC born Abt 1865, Ince, Lancashire
  ThomasC born Abt 1873, Ince, Lancashire
  ThomasC born Abt 1876, Ince, Lancashire
  WilliamC born Abt 1846, Ashton in Makerfield, Lancashire
  WilliamC,P,P born Abt 1833, Ashton, Lancashire
  William HamiltonC,C born Abt 1883, Rotherham, Yorkshire died 1956
  Clifton EtteryC,C born 1 Oct 1910, Carberry, Manitoba, Canada died 16 Oct 1990, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  Roy ArchieP born 9 Dec 1883, Manitoba, Canada died 24 Jan 1957, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  Susannah born Abt 1770, Yorkshire?
  AbelS born 10 Oct 1804, Ashton under Lyne, Lancashire died Sep 1843, Selby, Yorkshire
  AnnC born 6 Dec 1883, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  AnnC born 19 Apr 1898, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  AnnC born Abt 1822, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  CatherineC born Abt 1821, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  CharlotteC born Abt 1860, Sheffield, Yorkshire died 1888
  ElizabethC born 16 May 1887, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  ElizabethC,C born Abt 1829, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  EmmaC,C,P born Abt 1839, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  GeorgeP,P,P born Abt 1843, Wigton, Cumberland died 1914
  GeorgeC born 24 Aug 1885, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  GeorgeC born 17 Oct 1894, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  GeorgeC born Abt 1836, Selby, Yorkshire
  JacobC born 27 Mar 1867, Hunslet, Yorkshire
  JamesC,P born Abt 1871, Sheffield, Yorkshire died 1945
  JamesC born Abt 1904, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  JamesC born Abt 1835, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  JaneC born 29 Nov 1872, Hunslet, Yorkshire
  JohnC,C born 19 Jan 1903, Knottingley, Yorkshire died 30 Dec 1982, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  JohnC born 27 Jul 1876, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  JohnC born 3 Mar 1896, Knottingley, Yorkshire died 1897, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  MargaretC born 5 Dec 1868, Hunslet, Yorkshire
  MaryC,P born Abt 1832, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  RichardC born 1 Aug 1865, Hunslet, Yorkshire died 1868, Hunslet, Yorkshire
  RichardC born 28 Apr 1880, Hunslet, Yorkshire
  RichardC born 3 Nov 1900, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  RobertS,C,C,P,P born Abt 1798, Knottingley, Yorkshire died Bet 1835 and 1838, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  SarahC,C born 30 Sep 1876, Hunslet, Yorkshire
  SusannahC,C born 12 Jul 1889, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  UrsulaC,P born Abt 1826, Tadcaster, Yorkshire
  WilliamC born Abt 1824, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  Aylmer HaldaneC born Abt 1904, Haxey, Lincolnshire
  Digby Gilbert SeymourC born Abt 1901, Haxey, Lincolnshire died 1909
  Edith ConstanceC born Abt 1871, Misterton, Nottinghamshire
  Esme Frances GraceC born Abt 1913, Haxey, Lincolnshire
  John Francis LeslieC born Abt 1898, Haxey, Lincolnshire
  Katherine Mary MillicentC born Abt 1895, Haxey, Lincolnshire
  Kathleen ElizabethC born 5 Jan 1873, Haxey, Lincolnshire
  Lawrence GordonC born 30 Mar 1868, Haxey, Lincolnshire
  Digby Rutherford RichardC,C born Abt 1869, Haxey, Lincolnshire
  Hilda FrancesC born Abt 1877, Haxey, Lincolnshire
  John FrancisC,P,P born Abt 1833, Misterton, Nottinghamshire
  Leonora CharlotteC born Abt 1863, Haxey, Lincolnshire
  MaryP,P born Abt 1715
  John HenshallC born Abt 1880, Bacup, Lancashire
  Anna MariaC born Abt 1856, Swaffham, Norfolk
  AdaC born 30 Mar 1878, Huddersfield, Yorkshire
  AdaC born Abt 1871, Huddersfield, Yorkshire died 1872
  AlbertC born Abt 1876
  Edith AnnieC born Abt 1875, Huddersfield, Yorkshire
  ElijahC born Abt 1883, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  EnochP,P,P born Abt 1855, Swansea, Glamorgan, Wales died 1926
  EnochC born Abt 1891, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  ErnestC born 11 Apr 1894, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  Frederick ArthurC born Abt 1869, Huddersfield, Yorkshire
  HannahC born Abt 1831, Swinefleet, Yorkshire
  HarryC born 11 Nov 1860, Huddersfield, Yorkshire
  HenryS,C,C born Abt 1881, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  JamesC born Abt 1863, Huddersfield, Yorkshire
  John KennedyC born Abt 1865, Sheffield, Yorkshire
  JosephC born Abt 1831, Huddersfield, Yorkshire died 1894, Huddersfield, Yorkshire
  JosephC born Abt 1865, Huddersfield, Yorkshire
  KittyC born Abt 1863, Walsall, Staffordshire
  Leonard StraffordC born Abt 1897, Terrington St Johns, Norfolk died 24 Apr 1993, Otley, Yorkshire
  LouisaC born Abt 1871, Huddersfield, Yorkshire
  MarthaC born Abt 1824, Hunslet, Yorkshire
  Mary AnnC,C born 4 May 1888, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  Mary AnnieC born 8 Nov 1856, Huddersfield, Yorkshire
  Mary EllenC born Abt 1856, Manchester, Lancashire
  MinnieC born Abt 1896, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  PercyC born Abt 1874, Huddersfield, Yorkshire
  SarahC,P born Abt 1855, Wigan, Lancashire
  Sarah AnnC born Abt 1826, Hull, Yorkshire
  SelinaC born 20 Apr 1885, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  ThomasC born Abt 1867, Blackburn, Lancashire
  WilliamC born Abt 1902, Knottingley, Yorkshire
  William RobinsonC born 17 Jul 1859, Huddersfield, Yorkshire
  Edith MayC born 26 May 1901, Goole, Yorkshire died 4 Dec 1975, Goole, Yorkshire
  John FosterC born Abt 1909, Goole, Yorkshire died Feb 1967, Lincolnshire
  KathleenC born 14 Mar 1897, Goole, Yorkshire died 20 Sep 1984
  WalterC born Abt 1872, Goole, Yorkshire died 1965, Goole, Yorkshire
  GeorgeS born Abt 1823, Sheffield, Yorkshire died 1905, Sheffield, Yorkshire
  George SawyerC born Abt 1838, Crowle, Lincolnshire
  HannahC,P,P,P born Abt 1793, Crowle, Lincolnshire
  MaryC,P,P,P,P,P born Abt 1836, Oadby, Leicestershire
  WilliamC born Abt 1889, Sheffield, Yorkshire
  ElizabethC,P born Abt 1844, Gornall, Staffordshire
  Charlotte LilyC born Abt 1874, Sheffield, Yorkshire
  ElizabethC born Abt 1884, Sheffield, Yorkshire
  EllenC born Abt 1870, Sheffield, Yorkshire
  EthelC born Abt 1887, Sheffield, Yorkshire
  George HenryC born Abt 1879, Shiregreen, Sheffield, Yorkshire
  HenryC born Abt 1846, Boston, Lincolnshire
  John WilliamC born Abt 1882, Sheffield, Yorkshire
  RoseC born Abt 1876, Sheffield, Yorkshire
  AlbertC born Abt 1875, Monk Fryston, Yorkshire
  ElizabethC,C born Abt 1859, Monk Fryston, Yorkshire
  EmilyC born Abt 1853, Monk Fryston, Yorkshire
  FrankC born Abt 1899, Monk Fryston, Yorkshire
  FrederickC born Abt 1867, Monk Fryston, Yorkshire
  GeorgeC born Abt 1869, Monk Fryston, Yorkshire
  Harriet AnnieC born 10 Jun 1889, Monk Fryston, Yorkshire
  JamesC born 18 May 1893, Monk Fryston, Yorkshire died 1893, Monk Fryston, Yorkshire
  JohnC,C born Abt 1850, Monk Fryston, Yorkshire died 1919, Monk Fryston, Yorkshire
  Margaret AnnC born Abt 1848, Monk Fryston, Yorkshire
  MyraC born Abt 1871, Monk Fryston, Yorkshire died 1879, Monk Fryston, Yorkshire
  RobertC born Abt 1861, Monk Fryston, Yorkshire
  RobertC born Abt 1846, Monk Fryston, Yorkshire died Aug 1860, Monk Fryston, Yorkshire
  SarahC born 26 Mar 1864, Monk Fryston, Yorkshire
  WalterC born Abt 1894, Monk Fryston, Yorkshire
  WilliamS,P,P born Abt 1820, Little Smeaton, Yorkshire died 1897, Monk Fryston, Yorkshire
  William HenryC born 7 Aug 1890, Monk Fryston, Yorkshire died 1892, Monk Fryston, Yorkshire
  William JamesC born Abt 1855, Monk Fryston, Yorkshire
  Charles JohnC born Abt 1841, Edenbridge, Kent
  ChristianaC born Abt 1887, Rotherham, Yorkshire
  EleanoraC born Abt 1878, Rotherham, Yorkshire
  Gershom KempC born Abt 1882, Rotherham, Yorkshire
  LouisaC born Abt 1880, Rotherham, Yorkshire
  MiriamC born Abt 1883, Rotherham, Yorkshire
  SybilC born Abt 1877, Rotherham, Yorkshire
  CarolineC born Abt 1842, Dover, Kent
  CharlesC born Abt 1825
  CharlotteC,C born Abt 1839, Dover, Kent
  Elizabeth AmeliaC born 28 Nov 1831, London, Surrey
  FrederickC born Abt 1837, Dover, Kent
  HenryC born Abt 1828
  JohnP born Abt 1798, Kent Road, London, Surrey died 1882, Dover, Kent
  Mary AnnC born Abt 1834, Dover, Kent died 7 Feb 1836, Dover, Kent
  AliceC born Abt 1867, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  AnnC,C,P,P,P born Abt 1856, Reedness, Yorkshire died 21 Jun 1945, Reedness, Yorkshire
  AnnC born Abt 1875, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  AnnC born Abt 1745, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  AnnC born Abt 1655, Seacroft, Leeds, Yorkshire
  AnnC born 17 Jan 1802, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  AnnC born Abt 1842, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  AnnC born Abt 1837, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  ArthurC born Abt 1896, Kirkheaton, Yorkshire
  BenjaminC born Abt 1680, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  CharlotteC born Abt 1866, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  Charlotte AtackC born 16 Aug 1878, Normanton, Yorkshire died 10 Dec 1958, York, Yorkshire
  ChristianaC born 6 Jan 1808, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  ChristopherC born Abt 1673, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  DanielC born Abt 1834, Emroyd, Thornhill, Yorkshire
  DorothyC born Abt 1688, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  EdwardC born Abt 1692, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  EleanorC born Abt 1775, Sherburn in Elmet, Yorkshire died Jan 1845, Leeds, Yorkshire
  ElizaC born Abt 1846, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  ElizaS,C born Abt 1846, New Leake, Lincolnshire died 27 Apr 1910, Doncaster, Yorkshire
  ElizabethC born 29 Nov 1841, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  ElizabethC born Abt 1866, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  ElizabethC born Abt 1750, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  ElizabethC born Abt 1773, Bramham, Leeds, Yorkshire died May 1852, Leeds, Yorkshire
  ElizabethC born Abt 1689, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  ElizabethC born Abt 1838, Emroyd, Thornhill, Yorkshire
  ElizabethC born Abt 1819, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  ElizabethC born 20 Apr 1782, Seacroft, Leeds, Yorkshire
  ElizabethC born Abt 1845, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  ElizabethC born Abt 1875, Castleford, Yorkshire
  EmmaC born Abt 1905, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  EstherC born Abt 1880, Castleford, Yorkshire
  EthelC born 9 Feb 1894, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  FannyC born Abt 1864, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  FrankC,C born Abt 1861, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire died Jan 1934, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  FrankC born Abt 1903, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  FrankC born Abt 1838, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  FredC born Abt 1894, Colne Bridge, Yorkshire
  Fred WhittakerC born Abt 1872, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  FrederickC,C born Abt 1868, Hull, Yorkshire
  GeorgeC born 23 Apr 1790, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire died Nov 1863, Leeds, Yorkshire
  GeorgeC,P born Abt 1838, Reedness, Yorkshire
  HannahC born Abt 1828, Cross Gates, Manston, Yorkshire died 19 Aug 1903, Cross Gates, Manston, Yorkshire
  HannahC born Abt 1741, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  HannahC born 11 Jul 1780, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  HannahC born Abt 1840, Reedness, Yorkshire
  HarrietC born 29 Jun 1890, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  HarrietC born Abt 1864, Rawcliffe, Yorkshire died 9 Mar 1932, Goole, Yorkshire
  HarryC born Abt 1898, Kirkheaton, Yorkshire
  HarryC born 15 Dec 1888, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire died Sep 1889, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  HerbertC born Abt 1870, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  IsabellaC,C born Abt 1835, Emroyd, Thornhill, Yorkshire
  JabezC born Abt 1839, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  JackC born Abt 1906, Colne Bridge, Yorkshire
  JamesC born Abt 1777, Sherburn in Elmet, Yorkshire
  JamesC born Abt 1770, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  JamesS,S,C,P born Abt 1813, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  JaneC born Abt 1670, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  JaneC born Abt 1695, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  JaneC born Abt 1864, Hull, Yorkshire
  JaneC born Abt 1848, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  JeremiahC,P,P,P born Abt 1739, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire died Jul 1802, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  JeremiahC born Abt 1694, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  JohnS,C born Abt 1870, Rastrick, Yorkshire
  JohnC born Abt 1734, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  JohnC,P,P born Abt 1662, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire died Dec 1701, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  JohnC born Abt 1696, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  JohnC born Abt 1761, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  JohnC born Abt 1766, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  JohnC born Abt 1799, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  JohnC born Abt 1761, West Ardsley, Yorkshire
  JohnS,S,C,P,P,P born Abt 1806, Swinefleet, Yorkshire
  JohnC born Abt 1832, Reedness, Yorkshire died 14 Sep 1856
  JohnC born Abt 1858, Reedness, Yorkshire
  JohnC,C,P born Abt 1841, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  JohnC born Abt 1841, Wintersett, Yorkshire
  John ThomasC born Abt 1865, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  John WilliamC born Abt 1856, Crigglestone, Yorkshire died 18 Jul 1878, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  JohnnyC born 9 Jan 1884, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  JosephC born Abt 1824, Shitlington, Yorkshire
  JosephC born Abt 1764, West Ardsley, Yorkshire died Jul 1765, West Ardsley, Yorkshire
  JosephC born Abt 1873, Castleford, Yorkshire
  JoshuaC born Abt 1774, West Ardsley, Yorkshire died 1774, West Ardsley, Yorkshire
  JudithC born Abt 1806, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  KateC born Abt 1870, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  LilyC born 2 May 1883, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  LilyC born Abt 1875, Methley, Yorkshire
  Lucy AnnC born Abt 1850, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  MaleC born Abt 1770, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  MariaC born Abt 1699, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  MariaC born Abt 1853, Portovens, Yorkshire
  MarthaC,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born Abt 1743, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire died Sep 1825, Seacroft, Leeds, Yorkshire
  MarthaC born Abt 1764, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  MaryC born Abt 1902, Colne Bridge, Yorkshire
  MaryC born Abt 1731, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  MaryC,P,P born Abt 1701, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  MaryC born Abt 1783, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  MaryC born Abt 1767, Otley, Yorkshire died Feb 1783, Stainland, Yorkshire
  MaryC born Abt 1759, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  MaryC born Abt 1669, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  MaryC born Abt 1766, West Ardsley, Yorkshire
  Mary AnnC born Abt 1832, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  Mary AnnC born Abt 1884, West Ardsley, Yorkshire died 1959
  Mary EllenC born Abt 1843, Kirkheaton, Yorkshire died 1920
  Mary JaneC born Abt 1868, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  ParkinC born Abt 1836, Reedness, Yorkshire
  PollyC born Abt 1882, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  RebeccaC born 25 Nov 1787, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire died 1869, Hunslet, Yorkshire
  RichardC,P born Abt 1659, Seacroft, Leeds, Yorkshire
  RichardC born Abt 1744, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  RichardC born Abt 1800
  RoseC born 2 Mar 1901, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  SallyC born Abt 1775, West Ardsley, Yorkshire
  SamuelC born Abt 1737, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire died May 1806, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  SamuelC born Abt 1769, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire died 16 Feb 1826, Leeds, Yorkshire
  SamuelC born Abt 1846, Reedness, Yorkshire
  SarahC born Abt 1843, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  SarahC born Abt 1876, Altofts, Yorkshire
  SarahC born Abt 1770, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  SarahC,P,P,P,P born Abt 1768, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire died May 1817, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  SarahC born Abt 1665, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  SarahC born Abt 1818, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  SarahC born Abt 1865, Hull, Yorkshire
  Sarah AnnC born 25 Mar 1892, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  Sarah AnnC born Abt 1840, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  Sarah ElizabethC born Abt 1860, Reedness, Yorkshire
  Sarah JaneC born Abt 1868, Castleford, Yorkshire
  SophiaC born Abt 1831, Emroyd, Thornhill, Yorkshire
  SusannahC born Abt 1871, Castleford, Yorkshire
  ThomasC born Abt 1834, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  ThomasC born 27 Dec 1887, Stanley, Wakefield, Yorkshire
  ThomasC,P,P,P,P,P born Abt 1698, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire died Feb 1785, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire
  ThomasC born Abt 1757, Barwick in Elmet, Yorkshire

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